Here I present two
sample 2500pt Lizardmen lists; one with a Slann and one without a Slann. I
tried to make them both vaguely competitive. Just for fun, I then created a
monster mash list. It’s not as good as the other two in my opinion, but I tried
to make it reasonable. I used 2500pts lists as that is what we use in the group
and it is the popular size for tournaments in our area.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Lizardmen Review: Special Characters Tactica
Here I give my thought and opinions on the Lizardmen's Special Characters as part of my Lizardmen Review/Tactica article series.
Special Characters
The named Oldblood on Carnosaur. He weighs in at only slightly
more than a tooled up Oldblood on Carnosaur which is promising.
Lizardmen Review: Rare Tactica
The better of the two Stegadons we can get, the Ancient
Stegadon exchanges an Initiative, an Attack, the Giant Bow, and its 4+ Scaly
Skin for an extra Strength, Giant Blowpipes, and a 3+ Scaly Skin. It has the
same two upgrades that the regular Stegadon had and can also upgrade its Giant
Blowpipes to an Engine of the Gods.
The loss of an Initiative doesn’t make too much difference as
it wasn’t great to begin with. The loss of an Attack is slightly more impactful
but a Stegadon does most of its damage through Thunderstomps and Impact Hits.
On that subject the extra point of Strength the Ancient has over the regular
Stegadon improves makes these Strength 6. Strength 6 Thunderstomps and D6+1
Impact Hits combined with an above average resilience allows the Ancient
Stegadon to go toe to toe with most infantry. The only other monster we have
that I would not be afraid of sending into combat alone is the Carnosaur.
I’d still suggest giving Unstoppable Stampede a miss, but I
would always take the Sharpened Horns upgrade unless you knew for a fact you
wouldn’t be facing any multi-wound models. With that in mind always try to get
the charge with this. Without the charge you are missing out on a lot of this
monsters potential. If you are taking a Slann with High Magic, an Ancient
Stegadon is one of the best targets for Walk Between Worlds. This can really
help get it up there early and threatening the flanks or rears of units.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Lizardmen Review: Special Tactica
Below is the fourth part of my Lizardmen Review/tactica articles series. Took a bit longer to get it typed up due to the amount of Specials we have.
Temple Guard
The elite Saurus unit, for just 3pts more than a Saurus
Warrior they gain a WS, an I, light armour, halberds, and gain Stubborn and
Immune to Psychology when joined by a Slann. In return, the Slann gains
protection through the ability to join a Temple Guard unit’s second rank. As a
result you will want to attach your Slann to this unit if you are running one.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Hobby Update: November
I've decided to do a monthly article to give an overview of whats happening on the wargaming front in the Derpzilla playgroug and me in particular.
After a few weeks of waiting, the Dark Elves that I ordered from the second wave have finally arrived. Two boxes each of Warlocks/Dark Riders and Executioners/Black Guard allow me to actually finish the list I've written with the new army book, which I will likely put up here at the weekend. I should hopefully get to test it out next weekend and I'll see if it needs any reviewing.
The kits seem to be pretty good. Only complaints are with the Executioner/Black Guard kit. There is a definite lack of possible poses and the bodies are attached to the sprue by the shoulders which resulted in some minor damage to one of them. I'll hopefully get them all assembled and finish the Special section of my Lizardmen review tonight.
On the painting front, I have only just started to tackle my Fantasy collection. In the last few weeks I've managed to get Hellebron, an Assassin, a Sorceress, two Scar Vets, Kroq-gar, and 17 Saurus Warriors completed. Got a long way to go to even get a completed army finished so I've decided to focus on the Lizardmen first. I've built a 1,500pt list that should give me a manageable goal to work towards.
As far as the rest of Derpzilla are concerned only Hieronymus and CA55EN have been doing anything of note. They've recently picked up Flames of War and play Russians and Germans respectively. CA55EN seems to be going for a mixed forces kind of list while Hieronymus seems to just be going 100% tanks. I don't play myself so I can't give too much information on the subject regrettably.
Anyways, keeping it short this month as its the first one.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Lizardmen Review: Core Tactica
The third installment of my Lizardmen Review/tactica series.
Saurus Warriors
Saurus are a good solid unit with a great stat line. An average
Weapon Skill and abysmal Initiative are their only major faults in terms of
stats. In general you want at least one block of Saurus in your army. They are
regarded by many as one the best core infantry in the game. They may not be as
hard or dangerous as Chaos Warriors but they are much more reasonably costed.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Lizardmen Review: High Magic, Lords, and Heroes Tactica
Continuing on in my review/tactica of the new Lizardmen army book I present my impressions of
the new Lizardmen Lore, and the generic Lords and Heroes.
The Lore of High Magic
Lore Attribute
The Lore Attribute, Contemplations, allows the user to
forget a spell after casting it and generate a new spell from any Lore using
the normal spell generation rules. The first way this can be used is to swap
out a spell after it is no longer useful to you. For example, Arcane Unforging
allows you to destroy the opponent’s Magic Items. Once this has been achieved
the spell could be considered useless so you could swap it out for a spell from
another Lore. The second way I can see this being used is to just take the Lore
of High Magic if you are unsure of what your opponent will be using. Once you
see his army, you can then start casting some cheap spells on turn 1 and
generate a more useful one from another Lore. The way I would view this is to
assume you are rolling on a Lore for its Signature Spell with a chance of
potentially getting something better. An example of when you would do this is
upon seeing that your opponent is playing Warriors of Chaos and has gone Knight
heavy. You could cast Tempest first turn and then Swap it out for a roll on the
Lore of Metal.
Unlike most
Lores, the Lore of High Magic contains two Signature Spells.
- Drain Magic
This spell can remove Remains in Play effects on friendly or
enemy units. While it is fairly cheap (you should essentially never fail
casting this using two dice) a similar effect can be obtained through the use
of the Cube of Darkness so I don’t rate this too highly. Not bad, but nothing
amazing either.
- Soul Quench
Effectively a shorter ranged but more efficient Fireball,
this is the Signature Spell that I prefer. Very straight forward spell, I like
- Apotheosis
A way to regenerate wound son a nearby model. It is
relatively cheap to cast and we generally have a large amount of suitable
targets to cast this on, so I think it is pretty useful to have.
- Hand of Glory
Allows you to buff the Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative
or Movement of a nearby unit by D3. Can buff it to affect all of them. The
increases to WS and Initiative are very helpful to our Saurus as those are the
stats they aren’t great in. Combined with a Bastilodon, this can manage to
bring our Saurus up to a respectable Initiative. However, this is more
difficult to cast, has a weaker effect, and is less reliable than the similar
Speed of Light from the Lore of Light. This can also be used to help get a unit
into range next turn or to boost a unit of skinks BS so they can double tap at
long range after moving, etc. All in all, it isn’t a bad spell but the Lore of
Light does what this is trying to do better.
- Walk Between Worlds
This is one of the best spells in the Lore. It allows a unit
to move 10/20 inches counting as Ethereal. This can really help outmaneuver your
opponent’s units and works especially well on Carnosaurs, Salamanders and Ancient
Stegadons. Great spell.
- Tempest
This is a handy enough spell. I find that it works most
effectively against Elves as they tend to be more ranged than most armies and
have a lower toughness. Outside of those armies it can have its uses but it
doesn’t have enough hitting power compared to other damaging spells and isn’t
as reliable as Iceshard Blizzard at countering ranged. Unless your opponent is
a low toughness army I would exchange this one before the others. It even has a
fairly long range to enable you to use it effectively on the first turn.
- Arcane Unforging
A nifty spell that can neuter a combat character while
having a decent chance of knocking a wound off. After making use of it, this is
another one I would suggest swapping out for another spell. As you won’t know
what items their characters have before casting its best to target their more
powerful characters. It’s also an effective way of drawing out an opponent’s Dispel
Scroll. If they don’t use it, the wizard could take a wound and lose it anyway
so it is in their best interests to use it. Very handy spell to have, but don’t
be afraid of swapping it out once you’ve got the most out of it.
- Fiery Convocation
This spell can really put the hurt on any horde units you
come across. It should absolutely devastate a unit of Toughness 3 models. It is
of limited use against armies like Ogres and Chaos however. If facing them don’t
be afraid of swapping out for another Lore.
In summary, I like the Lore. It has several situational utility
spells and a decent mix of damaging spells and augments. If you want to take
High Magic I would suggest taking Focus of Mystery so that you will get all of
the spells in the Lore. This will allow you to get 8 spells and give you the
most flexibility for swapping them out.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Lizardmen Review: Army Special Rules and Magic Items Tactica
Haven't posted in a long while now. Got a lot of spare time on my hands lately so I figured I should try reinvigorating the blog. As all of my armies have been updated recently, I decided I would share my thoughts and opinions and write a Tactica on each of them. I'm starting with the Lizardmen for Fantasy as they came out first and I will break it into manageable chunks.
I don't claim to be an expert, but I've picked up a thing or two over the years and you can judge for yourself.
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