Sunday, 30 March 2014

Tyranid Dimachaeron and Other FW Kits

Been a while since I posted but decided I'd share some of the new models coming down the pipe from FW

First up, and of most interest to me, is the new Tyranid Dimachaeron

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Tau Tigershark AX-1-0

Deciding that we should have an Apocalypse battle before CA55EN goes traveling, we all agreed that we should each use at least one Super-Heavy each. Considering a Manta is way out of my price range, there was really only one choice for the Tau; a Tau Tigershark AX-1-0.

The model arrived in decent condition with only some mild warping to fix. It comes in less parts than I had expected, with only the weapons, engines, and cock pit needing assembly. The most awkward thing I foresee is removing all the resin gates but even that will just require a saw and files.

The game won't be taking place for a while yet, so I'll work out how to base it next week perhaps. The base provided is a GW Flying Base which is much too small to support the Tigershark. I'm thinking some clear plastic rod and a wooden base should suffice.

I'll post the finished model when its assembled, and give a review of how I found making it.

Tyranid Review: Final Thoughts and Army Lists

Now its time to bring it altogether. I've reviewed each section of the FOC, giving my thoughts on each unit and rating how useful they would be. As you'd expect, what units I feel are best in each section aren't always going to be the auto-includes in the lists we build. An example is Hive Guard. I felt Hive Guard were our best unit in the Elites slot, but I found myself taking them rarely in the lists I concocted. This is not because they were a terrible unit, but because they didn't synergise well with the lists. Zoanthropes were needed to provide extra Synapse and Venomthropes were needed to protect the rest of the army, which often left no more Elite slots open.

The Tau forces battle Hive Fleet Gorgon

While writing lists I found that Synapse was a consistent problem. With Hive Tyrants and Zoanthropes being the only reasonably costed Synapse Creatures, I found that you really needed to just suck it up and field some of the less cost effective options. As a result, I feel that I may have undersold the other Synapse units. Tervigons and Warriors are particularly useful as they are able to capture objectives. I found that I was taking a Hive Tyrant, Tervigon, 30 Termagants, and at least one Zoanthrope Brood in literally every list, which I have started using as a core to the army before adding other units. Similarly, I feel I undervalued Genestealers, Lictors, Harpies, and Hive Crones as they are not as dependent on synapse as the rest of the army. Hive Crones are invaluable for dealing with Flyers. Outside of Fortifications, we don' t have many other options, so two of them almost always found their way into the lists. However, if you want to use Fortifications then a Firestorm Redoubt placed slightly ahead of your deployment should be quite effective. Putting a brood of Zoanthropes inside will help protect them, while extending the Synapse bubble a few extra inches. The attached guns also don't need to be fired manually, which will allow us to use them even if we go back to our 5th edition FAQ limitations.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Heavy Support Tactica

This, the sixth installment of my Tyranid Review/Tactica articles, will cover the Heavy Support section. As before, this is as much to help me sort out my thoughts on each of the units in the new book as it is to help, so if you have any feedback or differing opinions feel free to leave a comment.

Carnifex Brood
A Hive Fleet Behemoth Carnifex thunders into an Ultramarine Rhino on Macragge
Often regarded as the Monstrous Creature, the Carnifex got a significant buff. It lost any significant use for Scything Talons, but dropped 40pts, gained an Initiative, and its Hammer of Wrath provides D3 hits. With a variety of options rivaling that of Tyranid Warriors it is an adaptable unit, able to be equipped for melee or range.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Fast Attack Tactica

Here is the fifth installment of my Tyranid Review/Tactica article series. I cover the section that hosts some of my favourite Tyranid units; the Fast Attack. This is as much to sort my own thoughts on the new book as to review, so if you have any further comments or differing opinions, feel free to add them in the comments.

Tyranid Shrike Brood

The late Parasite of Mortrex, a unique Shrike-esque mutant

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Elites Tactica

Here is the fourth part of my Tyranid Review/Tactica articles. This is as much to sort my own thoughts on the new book as to review, so if you have any further comments or differing opinions, feel free to add them in the comments.

Hive Guard Brood

The centauroid Hive Guard stands its ground
Went up in points slightly and lost a point of BS. The loss of the BS4 hurts a bit, but the nerf was deserved to be honest. Still a great unit due to their powerful guns, they provide some much needed ranged anti-armour to the army. The default gun puts out two S8 shots that Ignore Cover and do not require Line of Sight. For 5 points this can be upgraded to a new weapon that fires a S5 AP5 Haywire blast. Unfortunately the range is only 18” compared to the Impaler Cannon’s 24” which can make quite a difference. I can’t think of many scenarios were I would rather have the Shockcannon, so I’d just stick with the Impaler Cannon. The S8 combined with the two special rules make it an incredibly versatile weapon; particularly against skimmers. For whatever reason, GW saw fit to give Hive Guard access to Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands (while Raveners still don’t). They’re cheap, but don’t bother. Hive Guard were not made for close combat.

Overall, a fine unit. Definitely one of the better Elites choices.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Troops Tactica

Here is the third part of my Tyranid Review/Tactica articles. This is as much to sort my own thoughts on the new book as to review, so if you have any further comments or differing opinions, feel free to add them in the comments.

Tyranid Warrior Brood

To the dismay of Tyranid players everywhere, these did not get changed much. Weighing in at 30pts base with some decent stats and options, the Tyranid Warrior seems perfectly fine. They can withstand a decent amount of small arms fire. But its 4+ Save, 3 wounds, and Toughness of 4 make it extremely vulnerable to Instant Death. They are the perfect target for Battlecannons, Demolisher Cannons, Manticores, etc. If an opponent uses their Krak Missiles against the Warriors it’s a blessing in disguise. Better he fires those at your Warriors than at your Monstrous Creatures. A Tyranid Prime can be added to boost the skills of your Warriors and provide a T5 body for tanking S8 and 9 hits, but I feel he is still too expensive. Not a great unit, but they see some use as relatively cheap Synapse providers.

White Dwarf Changes and Warhammer Visions

 It seems the rumoured White Dwarf change is upon us.

White Dwarf dying (apparently; I'm no astronomer!)
While White Dwarf Magazine isn't dead it has changed to a weekly format. Here's the official word.

 From GW:

"White Dwarf magazine goes weekly!

Tyranid Review: HQ Tactica

The second part of my Tyranid review. I cover the HQ section here. Again these are just my opinions.
If you disagree or have any feedback, let me know. This is as much to help me figure out the new 
Codex as to provide my review.

Hive Tyrant

It’s not a Tyranid army without a Hive Tyrant. The iconic leader of the swarm, the Hive Tyrant boasts a decent statline, Mastery Level 2, and access to most of the wargear chart. He also has the Synapse Creature and Shadow in the Warp special rules allowing him to keep both his underlings and any enemy psykers nearby in check. 

A Hive Tyrant of Hive Fleet Leviathan

Before getting into the majority of the options, we need to mention the Wings biomorph. For a reasonably minor cost you can turn your Hive Tyrant into a Flying Monstrous Creature. This provides him with much greater manoeuvrability and provides some defence as well. To get the most out of your Hive Tyrant I see very little reason to not take Wings; they just add so much to the unit. In the past a Hive Tyrant with Wings toting two pairs of Devourers with Brainleech Worms has been the go-to Tyrant load out, and I don’t think this has changed. Twelve twin-linked S6 shots that can use the Skyfire rule can do a lot of damage to most units. If you are so inclined, you’ll be fine only taking one pair of Devourers and either Scything Talons or Bonesword & Lashwhip. With two rolls on the Tyranid Discipline table there’s a moderate chance of rolling Warp Blast, and Wings provides you with Vector Strike, both of which will count as a shooting attack. This also helps close combat Hive Tyrants to remain viable.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Army Special Rules, Wargear, and Psychic Discipline Tactica

Presented here is the first part of my Tyranid Tactica/Review. Note that anything I say is merely my opinion. This is as much for me to work through the options in the new book as it is for others, so feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

Army Special Rules

Synapse Creature
Synapse is tremendously important to Tyranids. Possessed by many units which fill a leadership role, this rule gives the unit and all friendly models within 12” the Fearless special rule.

Instinctive Behaviour
This is the reason synapse is so important to the Tyranid army. If a Tyranid unit begins its turn outside of synapse range it must take a Leadership test. If this is failed they roll on their Instinctive Behaviour D6 table. There are three different tables; Lurk, Hunt, and Feed. On a 1-3 something bad happens, 4-5 either forces or encourages the unit to do something, and a 6 is the same as 4-5 but with a beneficial special rule. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Hobby Update: Christmas

Been a while since I posted anything due to real life, but the past weeks have been a very busy time for the hobby.

With the release of Escalation and Stronghold Assault the 40k community has been pretty agitated due to the powerful units that have become available. It hasn't really affected Derpzilla too much; Hieronymus is considering getting the Necron Tesseract Vault kit, CA55EN the Baneblade, and I have picked up a Firestorm Redoubt. Elsewhere on the GW front, GW released their annual Christmas bundles and several were pretty good value. Hieronymus decided to start collecting an Eldar army and purchased an Eldar Ghost Warriors boxset. This makes him the second Eldar player in our playgroup, but he is limiting himself to mainly Wraith units meaning the diversity has increased.

In light of recent Tyranid leaks I have also decided to redirect the money I have saved up for the release into my Tau army in the form of the Tau Empire Firebase Support Cadre. This also allows me to use the new Tau Dataslate of the same name which should prove effective. On the subject of the new Tyranids, its sounding very disappointing. I'll get the Codex and play around with a few lists before jumping to any conclusions, but the leaks have been very disheartening. We shall see how they turn out in the end.

RIP Doom, Ymargl's, Parasite, and Snot Pods

Hieronymus and CA55EN continue to delve into Flames of War, and Departed has shown an interest in collecting a small elite British force. Infinity has also been recently invigorated due to Hieronymus getting involved with it so I imagine our forces will see some new additions fairly soon. Departed especially is looking to add to his ALEPH force, and my Tohaa have had a few releases since we last played so I might pick up some Auxiliars.

On the painting front, I finished a unit of Saurus and got distracted by my Emperor's Children. Managed to finish a few squads of marines and some Obliterators. 

As far as the blog is concerned, on the to-do list is the Dark Elves Tactica similar to the Lizardmen one, as well as one for the new Tyranids.