Been a while since I posted anything due to real life, but the past weeks have been a very busy time for the hobby.
With the release of Escalation and Stronghold Assault the 40k community has been pretty agitated due to the powerful units that have become available. It hasn't really affected Derpzilla too much; Hieronymus is considering getting the Necron Tesseract Vault kit, CA55EN the Baneblade, and I have picked up a Firestorm Redoubt. Elsewhere on the GW front, GW released their annual Christmas bundles and several were pretty good value. Hieronymus decided to start collecting an Eldar army and purchased an Eldar Ghost Warriors boxset. This makes him the second Eldar player in our playgroup, but he is limiting himself to mainly Wraith units meaning the diversity has increased.
In light of recent Tyranid leaks I have also decided to redirect the money I have saved up for the release into my Tau army in the form of the Tau Empire Firebase Support Cadre. This also allows me to use the new Tau Dataslate of the same name which should prove effective. On the subject of the new Tyranids, its sounding very disappointing. I'll get the Codex and play around with a few lists before jumping to any conclusions, but the leaks have been very disheartening. We shall see how they turn out in the end.
RIP Doom, Ymargl's, Parasite, and Snot Pods |
Hieronymus and CA55EN continue to delve into Flames of War, and Departed has shown an interest in collecting a small elite British force. Infinity has also been recently invigorated due to Hieronymus getting involved with it so I imagine our forces will see some new additions fairly soon. Departed especially is looking to add to his ALEPH force, and my Tohaa have had a few releases since we last played so I might pick up some Auxiliars.
On the painting front, I finished a unit of Saurus and got distracted by my Emperor's Children. Managed to finish a few squads of marines and some Obliterators.
As far as the blog is concerned, on the to-do list is the Dark Elves Tactica similar to the Lizardmen one, as well as one for the new Tyranids.