
Thursday 14 November 2013

Hobby Update: November

I've decided to do a monthly article to give an overview of whats happening on the wargaming front in the Derpzilla playgroug and me in particular.

After a few weeks of waiting, the Dark Elves that I ordered from the second wave have finally arrived. Two boxes each of Warlocks/Dark Riders and Executioners/Black Guard allow me to actually finish the list I've written with the new army book, which I will likely put up here at the weekend. I should hopefully get to test it out next weekend and I'll see if it needs any reviewing.

The kits seem to be pretty good. Only complaints are with the Executioner/Black Guard kit. There is a definite lack of possible poses and the bodies are attached to the sprue by the shoulders which resulted in some minor damage to one of them. I'll hopefully get them all assembled and finish the Special section of my Lizardmen review tonight.

On the painting front, I have only just started to tackle my Fantasy collection. In the last few weeks I've managed to get Hellebron, an Assassin, a Sorceress, two Scar Vets, Kroq-gar, and 17 Saurus Warriors completed. Got a long way to go to even get a completed army finished so I've decided to focus on the Lizardmen first. I've built a 1,500pt list that should give me a manageable goal to work towards.

As far as the rest of Derpzilla are concerned only Hieronymus and CA55EN have been doing anything of note. They've recently picked up Flames of War and play Russians and Germans respectively. CA55EN seems to be going for a mixed forces kind of list while Hieronymus seems to just be going 100% tanks. I don't play myself so I can't give too much information on the subject regrettably.

Anyways, keeping it short this month as its the first one.

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