
Thursday 16 January 2014

Tyranid Review: Elites Tactica

Here is the fourth part of my Tyranid Review/Tactica articles. This is as much to sort my own thoughts on the new book as to review, so if you have any further comments or differing opinions, feel free to add them in the comments.

Hive Guard Brood

The centauroid Hive Guard stands its ground
Went up in points slightly and lost a point of BS. The loss of the BS4 hurts a bit, but the nerf was deserved to be honest. Still a great unit due to their powerful guns, they provide some much needed ranged anti-armour to the army. The default gun puts out two S8 shots that Ignore Cover and do not require Line of Sight. For 5 points this can be upgraded to a new weapon that fires a S5 AP5 Haywire blast. Unfortunately the range is only 18” compared to the Impaler Cannon’s 24” which can make quite a difference. I can’t think of many scenarios were I would rather have the Shockcannon, so I’d just stick with the Impaler Cannon. The S8 combined with the two special rules make it an incredibly versatile weapon; particularly against skimmers. For whatever reason, GW saw fit to give Hive Guard access to Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands (while Raveners still don’t). They’re cheap, but don’t bother. Hive Guard were not made for close combat.

Overall, a fine unit. Definitely one of the better Elites choices.

Lictor Brood

A Lictor stalks its prey

Eleven special rules. That’s impressive. Similar to Genestealers, the Lictor has some great offensive stats but isn’t winning any prizes defensively. To make up for this the Lictor has the Stealth rule which increases his Cover Save by 1 and combos quite well with a Venomthrope. Lictors have a few options for deploying; Deep Strike (which they do not scatter from), Infiltrate (opening up the possibility of Outflanking), and regular deployment. Obviously the two real choices you have are Infiltrating into a forward position and Deep Striking. Deep Striking has the benefit of being able to deploy exactly where you want without your opponent knowing quite where it’ll be, while Infiltrate has the benefit of starting on the board to make use of Pheromone Trail. This allows him to act as a Homing Beacon, allowing other Tyranids to not scatter on Deep Strike within 6” of him. This can’t be used the same turn that he himself Deep Strikes, so you’ll need to Infiltrate to take advantage of this. The obvious combo for this rule is with Mawlocs, but it can be used to good effect with several units, even Spore Mines!

After going over these I feel I was a bit too harsh on the Deathleaper. I’ve decided that I quite like Lictors and can definitely see myself using them in some army lists. I’d rate them as our fourth best Elite choice so they have some competition.

Zoanthrope Brood

A Hive Fleet Kraken Zoanthrope fries a Guardsman's brain with its psychic might

Were the Hive Guard deal with transports and medium vehicles, Zoanthropes main purpose is to deal with heavy vehicles such as Land Raiders. They are a Mastery Level 2 Brotherhood of Psykers. However, the power they come default with, Warp Blast, becomes Assault X where X is equal to the number of models in the brood. They also generate another power from the Tyranid Discipline which gets cast as normal for a Brotherhood of Psykers. This is slightly worse than having each be its own independent psyker, but it wasn’t unexpected and isn’t damning. You only need to be in range and Line of Sight with one of the brood now, but you really feel it when you mess up your Psychic Test (or the opponent passes their Deny the Witch), and non-Warp Blast power output is drastically reduced. The loss of the Mycetic Spore hurt Zoanthropes as they are a slow unit and the range on Warp Blasts anti-vehicle mode is relatively short. They’re one of the better units to use Onslaught on.

Having said that, they are pretty cheap, retained their 3++ Save and provide Synapse. My meta is different to the internet’s usual, with plenty of AV14, including Land Raiders which tend to drive forwards to deliver their payload (negating the short range of Warp Blast). As Instinctive Behaviour has become more of an issue, and Synapse Creatures more vulnerable due to the loss of Biomancy, I’m finding that I need to take more Synapse Creatures than I did last edition. As a result, I am finding that Zoanthropes really add something to my army that it is missing and because of this I’d rate them pretty highly; probably our second best Elite choice behind Hive Guard. Your mileage may vary of course as it could just be down to my meta and personal list building that makes me value them this highly.

Venomthrope Brood

Fairly unthreatening on his lonesome, your opponents will learn to hate him. He provides Shroud to everyone within 6”. As Zoanthropes have the only Invulnerable Save in the Codex, Cover Saves are important to us. Plonk your Monstrous Creatures in some area terrain near this guy and they now have a 3+ Cover Save. As a result, expect him to take a lot of fire so make an effort to position him out of Line of Sight if possible. Many of the better armies at present (I’m looking at you Tau) have means to strip Cover Saves from your units so that is something to be aware of. If you ever find your Venomthropes in close combat, 2+ Poison and a high Initiative thanks to Lash Whips offer some self defence, but get a unit in their ASAP to bail them out.

There are many great combinations with Venomthropes but one of the best is likely going to be with Flying Monstrous Creatures. If they Jink near the Venomthrope they’ll gain a 3+ Cover Save which should help keep the fragile Crone and Harpy alive.

Great unit which synergises well with the rest of the Codex. I’d rate these at just below Zoanthropes but would definitely still advise taking them.



Designed to be an infantry shredder, its statline is pretty comparable to a Carnifex. It loses 3 Strength but gains a Wound and Initiative. What makes it notable are its special rules; on the turn it charges, for every wound it causes in combat it gains another attack (these don’t generate more), and if it causes at least one it regains a wound lost earlier in the battle. Regeneration could be worthwhile on this guy to help recover wounds lost on his way to combat. He comes stock with Acid Blood, Crushing Claws, and a Grasping Tongue. The Tongue is 12” S6 AP2 and can cause a Precision Hit if you get lucky. Nothing amazing, just treat it and Acid Blood as an added benefit. Crushing Claws give you S7 and Armourbane. With Adrenal Glands (which you should probably take due to Fleet) the Haruspex can reach S8 on the charge. S8 Armourbane will make a mess of any vehicles you come across, and allow you to Instant Death any T4 models. With only 3 Attacks at WS3 I don’t see him doing well at anti-infantry. Even without the only-on-the-turn-he-charges restriction his special rules wouldn’t make him worth considering in my opinion. Perhaps I have missed something but he just seems like a bad Carnifex. He just doesn’t have the WS or number of attacks to deal with infantry, and that’s if he can even make it to combat. He has one wound more than a Carnifex, but they are smaller, cheaper, and can be taken in a unit. Despite all this, I imagine the Haruspex will still see some play due to the fact that he is a Monstrous Creature in the Elite section. If so, I’d advise just giving Adrenal Glands and sending him forwards. Our second worst Elite choice in my opinion, but I could be selling him short.

Pyrovore Brood

Regarded as the worst unit in the game last edition, he got a few improvements but still isn’t great. While his stats got buffed, Acid Maw, Acid Blood, and his ability to fire his Flamespurt all got nerfed; and those were the reasons you took him. Without Torrent on his Flamespurt, or multiple attacks on his Acid Maw he just isn’t very good at his job. The most notable thing about him is that his Volatile rule is worded hilariously badly. When he gets Instant Deathed, every unit on the board takes a number of S3 hits equal to the number of models within D6” of the Pyrovore. Obviously isn’t the way it’s intended to work and it’ll be one of the first things Errata’d. Honestly, still probably the worst unit in the game. I wouldn’t ever bother with these.

A Pyrovore just got Instant Deathed


Like last edition, most of our Elite choices are pretty solid, with only the Pyrovore never going to see play. I personally will likely be using 3x Hive Guard, 3x Zoanthropes, and then either another 3x Hive Guard or 2 Venomthropes.

That’s it for the Elite section. I’ll be covering Fast Attack next and should get it up tomorrow. Thanks for reading and leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments.


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