
Sunday 17 November 2013

Lizardmen Armylists

Here I present two sample 2500pt Lizardmen lists; one with a Slann and one without a Slann. I tried to make them both vaguely competitive. Just for fun, I then created a monster mash list. It’s not as good as the other two in my opinion, but I tried to make it reasonable. I used 2500pts lists as that is what we use in the group and it is the popular size for tournaments in our area.

Slann List


Slann Mage Priest - High Magic                                                                                 370pts
Focus of Mystery, Cube of Darkness, BSB, Standard of Discipline


Saurus Scar-Veteran                                                                                                   145pts
Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragon Helm, Dawnstone

Skink Priest - Beasts                                                                                                     90pts
Dispel Scroll


24 Saurus Warriors                                                                                                      284pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Spears

24 Saurus Warriors                                                                                                      284pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Spears 

10 Skink Skirmishers                                                                                                    70pts


26 Temple Guard                                                                                                        429pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Razor Standard

8 Chameleon Skinks                                                                                                   104pts

3 Terradon Riders                                                                                                       105pts


Ancient Stegadon                                                                                                       250pts
Sharpened Horns

Ancient Stegadon                                                                                                       250pts
Sharpened Horns

Salamander                                                                                                                   80pts

Total:                                                                                                                          2496pts

This army is a good base to work from. It has three decent combat blocks and two units that are great for dealing with enemy war machines. The Temple Guard joined by the Slann makes for a good solid centre to your line. Both the Cube of Darkness and Dispel Scroll are present to provide some extra magical defence and the Skink Priest is guaranteed Wyssan’s Wildform to cast on the combat blocks. The Slann is adaptable thanks to Loremaster and the High Magic attribute.

The army has a few weaknesses however. It has relatively few units of chaff which can be extremely helpful at holding up or redirecting units you are not prepared to deal with. It also only has one Scar-Veteran cowboy and it is usually best to take multiple. As I said though, this makes for a good base and can easily be altered to suit your playstyle or fit your meta better.

Slannless List


Saurus Oldblood                                                                                                         466pts
Sword of Striking, Shield, Glittering Scales, Talisman of Preservation
Carnosaur w/ Loping Stride


Tetto’eko                                                                                                                     185pts

Saurus Scar-Veteran                                                                                                   154pts
Cold One, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny

Saurus Scar-Veteran                                                                                                   145pts
Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dragon Helm, Dawnstone

Skink Priest - Beasts                                                                                                     90pts
Dispel Scroll


30 Saurus Warriors                                                                                                      350pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Spears

30 Saurus Warriors                                                                                                      350pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Spears 

10 Skinks                                                                                                                      60pts


4 Ripperdactyl Riders                                                                                                 160pts

10 Chameleon Skinks                                                                                                 130pts


Ancient Stegadon                                                                                                       250pts
Sharpened Horns

Salamander                                                                                                                   80pts

Salamander                                                                                                                   80pts

Total:                                                                                                                          2500pts

This army has two solid combat blocks but comes with three great fighting characters to back the army up. Tetto’ekos D3 vanguard ability can help the Salamanders and Carnosaur get into good positions early. Like the last list it also has two units that can deal with war machines and chaff units. An extra Salamander in this list helps it deal with large units of hordes much more effectively hopefully ensuring that the monsters and characters do not get tarpitted.

The list lacks the power of the Slann, but Tetto’eko is there to help boost the magical prowess of the list through his abilities and Loremaster Heavens. Another thing it lacks is a BSB so won't get any rerolls. Coldblooded lessens the need for a BSB but it is still useful to have so dropping some Chameleons to give one of the Scar-Veterans a BSB could be a good idea. With only an Ancient Stegadon and the Carnosaur present, the Carnosaur will be relying on the vanguard move to get into a good position to avoid cannons. Again, the list has relatively little chaff but can easily be adapted to your needs.

Monster Mash List


Saurus Oldblood                                                                                                         436pts
Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Luckstone
Carnosaur w/ Loping Stride


Saurus Scar-Veteran                                                                                                   375pts
Sword of Striking, Shield, Light Armour, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone
Carnosaur w/ Loping Stride

Skink Priest - Beasts                                                                                                     95pts
Cube of Darkness

Skink Priest - Beasts                                                                                                     90pts
Dispel Scroll


30 Saurus Warriors                                                                                                      350pts
Musician, Standard Bearer, Spears

10 Skink Skirmishers                                                                                                    70pts

10 Skink Skirmishers                                                                                                    70pts

10 Skink Skirmishers                                                                                                    70pts

10 Skink Skirmishers                                                                                                    70pts


Bastiladon                                                                                                                   150pts
Solar Engine

Stegadon                                                                                                                     215pts


Ancient Stegadon                                                                                                       250pts
Sharpened Horns

Ancient Stegadon                                                                                                       250pts
Sharpened Horns

Total:                                                                                                                          2491pts

This list only has one good combat block but has two Carnosaurs and three Stegadons to help out. Two Skink Priests and a Bastiladon ensure that your power dice do not go to waste, and Wyssan’s has many good targets thanks to the Lore of Beasts attribute. Having six monsters helps deal with cannons through target saturation. Unlike the other two lists, this list has a good amount of chaff to redirect and hold up any enemy units you are not ready for.

With only two Level 1’s your magic offence and defence will not be that powerful. Having the Cube of Darkness and a Dispel Scroll adds some needed defence but might not be enough. Like the Slannless list, this one lacks a BSB.With only one combat block this shouldn't matter too much, but that is another issue with the list. One combat block might not be enough and it is really relying on Wyssans and supporting units.

Overall, I feel that the first list is the best of these three although I do not feel it is perfect; it definitely needs some refinement. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. If you have any constructive criticism feel free to comment.

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